
Wednesday 28 March 2018


Benefits Of White Tea

Health benefits of white tea include a reduced risk of cancer, cardiovascular disorders, and an improvement in oral health. It has antioxidant and anti-aging properties which help in maintaining good health and wrinkle-free skin. It protects the skin from harmful effects of UV rays. With its antibacterial properties, white tea also protects the body from various infection-causing bacteria.
It provides relief to diabetics from symptoms such as decreased plasma glucose levels, increased insulin secretion, and excessive thirst (polydipsia). Intake of white tea also helps in losing weight.
There are different types of tea that exist in the market. Green teablack teahibiscus tea and chamomile tea are examples of types of tea that people are used to. Intake of tea has for a very long time been known to have positive effects on human beings and this is why people refer to it as the key ingredient to wisdom, happiness, and perfect health.
Though it is consumed as a common beverage, it has plenty of health benefits that can be accounted for after several studies have been carried out both in the present and in the past as well. Due to these benefits, it is considered as a better alternative than coffee, which contains a high percentage of caffeine. Green and black teas are equally beneficial but it is the white tea that undergoes the least processing, which helps in retaining high levels of phytochemicals. Due to minimal processing, the production of white tea requires much lesser time and labor as computed to black tea or green tea production.
History suggests that it may have originated in China. With changing dynasties of China in the past, the production of white tea also changed. With time, various types of this tea were created using a selected type of tea bushes.

White Tea Nutrition Facts

White tea contains nutrients and antimicrobial qualities that protect the body against the occurrence of diseases. It contains tannins, fluoride, and flavonoids such as cate chins and polyphenols. These compounds are responsible for the various benefits this tea provides.

Health Benefits Of White Tea

With so many anti-aging and antioxidant properties, this tea is indeed beneficial for all of us. The health benefits include:

Antioxidant Agent

Presence of free radicals in the body is what leads to damaged body organs. It contains polyphenols which help in neutralizing these free radicals, making them less destructive. Results of a study suggest that this tea may increase antioxidant effects of organs as well as plasma. Another study was done to investigate neuroprotective effect of white tea extract on hydrogen peroxide-induced toxicity. The results of this study showed that white tea extracts with its antioxidant properties help in cell neuroprotection.

Antiaging Properties

Presence of free radicals highly contributes to an accelerated aging process that comes with other challenges associated with advancement in age. White tea with its antioxidant property may also reduce the risk of premature aging.

Skin Care

It also helps in maintaining healthy and youthful skin. Use of this tea is recommended due to its antioxidant properties which help in quick repair and recovery of damaged skin. It is also beneficial in protecting skin against the effects of ultraviolet light.

Improves Oral Health

Health benefits of white tea include improvement in oral health. The presence of polyphenols, flavonoids, and tannins help in inhibiting the growth of various bacteria that may cause plaque formation. The fluoride content found in this tea may also be effective in reducing the risk of dental caries or tooth decay/cavity.

Prevents Cancer

Just like green tea, white tea may be beneficial in preventing cancer such as lung cancer. Research suggests that this tea is a potential anticancer, chemo preventive agent and its extract may induce apoptosis (cell death) and may help in preventing new cell growth in lung cancer. It has anti mutagenic properties as well.

Controls Diabetes

A research study suggests that intake of white tea may provide relief to diabetics from symptoms such as excessive thirst (polydipsia), decreased plasma glucose levels, and an increased insulin secretion.

Improves Cardiovascular Disorder

Flavonoids found in various food products such as white tea, fruits, and vegetables are associated with decreased risk of the cardiovascular disorders. These flavonoids help to decrease the blood pressure. White tea also helps in treating dyslipidemia, endothelial function, and inhibits low-density lipoprotein oxidation. Consumption of this form of a tea, rich in flavonoids, may reduce the risk of various heart conditions.

Antibacterial Agent

Diseases and medical conditions are mainly caused by pathogens, which attack the immune system making it difficult for the body to operate at a normal capacity. White tea has antibacterial properties which can protect our skin from bacteria and other germs. Various products such as hand soap are made using this tea as a key ingredient. Consumption of white tea helps in protecting our body from infection-causing bacteria and other microorganisms.

Relieves Common Cold

It is a good remedy for various common diseases. Intake of white tea provides relief to those suffering from flu and a common cold.

Weight Loss

Busy schedules and wrong choice of food can easily lead to weight gain. Shedding off that gained kilo may not be easy especially if there is no time for physical exercise. Living by a given diet plan is one of the ways out of this kind of situation. Some of these diets may not be fun to stick to unlike the intake of white tea, which is similar to any other beverage of your choice. Studies suggest that intake of white tea may prevent adipogenesis, which is the process of formation of fat cells, and may control the life cycle of these fat cells called as adipocytes.


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